Tuingoed Foltz
Bob Foltz
Hereweg 346
9651 AT Meeden
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Nederlandse Planten Collectie Salvia
Tuingoed Foltz – Collectiehouder sinds 2005
Geactualiseerd 25/02/2019
SALVIA | ‘African Sky’ |
SALVIA | ‘Alegria’ |
SALVIA | ‘Amber’ |
SALVIA | ‘Amena‘ |
SALVIA | ‘Amistad‘ |
SALVIA | ‘Anthony Parker’ |
SALVIA | ‘Audrey Doeglas‘ |
SALVIA | ‘Black Knight’ |
SALVIA | ‘Blue Merced‘ |
SALVIA | ‘Bright Eyes‘ |
SALVIA | ‘Cavalieri Celeste‘ |
SALVIA | ‘Cosmic Lady’ |
SALVIA | ‘Crème Caramel‘ |
SALVIA | ‘Dancing Dolls‘ |
SALVIA | ‘Dorset Wonder’ |
SALVIA | ‘Dyson’s Crimson’ |
SALVIA | ‘Dyson’s Gem’ |
SALVIA | ‘Dyson’s Joy’ |
SALVIA | ‘Dyson’s Maroon’ |
SALVIA | ‘Ember’s Wish‘ |
SALVIA | ‘Envy‘ zaailing Foltz nr 1 |
SALVIA | ‘Envy‘ zaailing Foltz nr 2 |
SALVIA | ‘Envy‘ zaailing Foltz nr 6 |
SALVIA | ‘Eveline’ |
SALVIA | ‘Fantasia’ |
SALVIA | ‘Flower Child’ |
SALVIA | ‘Golden Girl’ |
SALVIA | ‘Great Comp‘ |
SALVIA | ‘Indigo Spires‘ |
SALVIA | ‘Jean’s Jewel’ |
SALVIA | ‘Jezebel‘ |
SALVIA | ‘La Mancha‘ |
SALVIA | ‘Lalarsha – zaailing Foltz’ |
SALVIA | ‘Lalarsha‘ |
SALVIA | ‘Love and Wishes‘ |
SALVIA | ‘Madeline’ |
SALVIA | ‘Magenta Magic’ |
SALVIA | ‘Meeden’ |
SALVIA | ‘Mystic Spires‘ |
SALVIA | ‘Nel’ |
SALVIA | ‘Otis‘ |
SALVIA | ‘Penny’s Smile‘ |
SALVIA | ‘Phyllis Fancy’ |
SALVIA | ‘Rita’ |
SALVIA | ‘Rockin Fuchsia’ |
SALVIA | ‘Roebel’ |
SALVIA | ‘Royal Bumble‘ |
SALVIA | ‘Salmia Pink’ |
SALVIA | ‘Serenade’ |
SALVIA | ‘Silas Dyson’ |
SALVIA | ‘Silke’s Dream’ |
SALVIA | ‘Ton ter Linden’ |
SALVIA | ‘Waverly‘ |
SALVIA | ‘Wendy’s Surprise’ |
SALVIA | ‘Wendy’s Wish‘ |
SALVIA | africana-lutea |
SALVIA | amarissima |
SALVIA | amplexicaulis |
SALVIA | apiana |
SALVIA | argentea |
SALVIA | atrocyanea |
SALVIA | aurea ‘Kirstenbosch‘ |
SALVIA | aurita var. galpinii |
SALVIA | azurea |
SALVIA | azurea var. grandiflora |
SALVIA | barrelieri |
SALVIA | blepharophylla ‘Painted Lady’ |
SALVIA | broussonetii |
SALVIA | buchananii |
SALVIA | bulleyana |
SALVIA | bulleyana ‘Blue Lips’ |
SALVIA | bullulata pale form |
SALVIA | cacaliifolia |
SALVIA | canariensis f. albiflora |
SALVIA | canariensis f. candidissima |
SALVIA | candelabrum |
SALVIA | candidissima |
SALVIA | canescens var. daghestanica |
SALVIA | caudata |
SALVIA | chamaedryoides var. isochroma |
SALVIA | chamelaeagnea |
SALVIA | chiapensis |
SALVIA | coahuilensis |
SALVIA | concolor |
SALVIA | confertiflora |
SALVIA | corrugata |
SALVIA | curviflora |
SALVIA | cyanescens |
SALVIA | darcyi |
SALVIA | deserta |
SALVIA | digitaloides ‘Purpurea‘ |
SALVIA | discolor |
SALVIA | dolichantha |
SALVIA | elegans ‘Golden Delicious’ |
SALVIA | elegans ‘Scarlet Pineapple‘ |
SALVIA | elegans ‘Tangerine‘ |
SALVIA | forreri |
SALVIA | forsskaolii |
SALVIA | gachantivana |
SALVIA | glechomifolia |
SALVIA | glutinosa |
SALVIA | greggii ‘Amethyst Mist’ |
SALVIA | greggii ‘Blue Note‘ |
SALVIA | greggii ‘Eclips’ |
SALVIA | greggii ‘Icing Sugar’ |
SALVIA | greggii ‘Lipstick’ |
SALVIA | greggii ‘Peach‘ |
SALVIA | greggii ‘Salmon Dance’ |
SALVIA | greggii ‘Violin Music’ |
SALVIA | guaranitica |
SALVIA | guaranitica ‘Argentina Skies’ |
SALVIA | guaranitica ‘Black and Bloom‘ |
SALVIA | guaranitica ‘Black and Blue’ |
SALVIA | guaranitica ‘Blue Enigma’ |
SALVIA | guaranitica ‘Carine’s Amazing Blue’ |
SALVIA | guaranitica ‘Midnight‘ |
SALVIA | guaranitica ‘Rhythm & Blues’ |
SALVIA | guaranitica ‘Super Trooper‘ |
SALVIA | guaranitica var. purpurea |
SALVIA | guaranitica var. violacea |
SALVIA | haenkei |
SALVIA | hians |
SALVIA | involucrata ‘Bethelli‘ |
SALVIA | involucrata ‘Boutin‘ |
SALVIA | involucrata ‘Dark Form’ |
SALVIA | involucrata ‘Joan’ |
SALVIA | involucrata ‘Mulberry Jam’ |
SALVIA | involucrata ‘Pink Icicles‘ |
SALVIA | jurisicii |
SALVIA | lanceolata |
SALVIA | leucantha |
SALVIA | leucantha ‘Cislano‘ |
SALVIA | Leucantha ‘Eder’ |
SALVIA | leucantha ‘Midnight‘ |
SALVIA | leucantha ‘Purple Velvet’ |
SALVIA | leucantha ‘Santa Barbara’ |
SALVIA | leucantha ‘White Mischief’ |
SALVIA | lycioides |
SALVIA | lyrata ‘Purple Knockout‘ |
SALVIA | macellaria ‘Bordeaux’ |
SALVIA | macrophylla |
SALVIA | macrophylla purple leaf form |
SALVIA | madrensis |
SALVIA | maroccana |
SALVIA | mellisodora |
SALVIA | merjamie ‘Mint-Sauce‘ |
SALVIA | mexicana ‘Lolita’ |
SALVIA | mexicana var. minor |
SALVIA | meyeri CDPR3071 |
SALVIA | microphylla ‘Belize’ |
SALVIA | microphylla ‘Blind Faith‘ |
SALVIA | microphylla ‘Blue Monrovia’ |
SALVIA | microphylla ‘Cerro Potosi‘ |
SALVIA | micorphylla ‘Dieciocho de Marzo’ |
SALVIA | microphylla ‘Maroon‘ |
SALVIA | microphylla ‘Orange Door’ |
SALVIA | microphylla ‘Pink Beauty’ |
SALVIA | microphylla ‘Ribambelle‘ |
SALVIA | microphylla ‘Robin’s Pride‘ |
SALVIA | microphylla ‘Ruth Stungo’ |
SALVIA | microphylla ‘San Carlos Festival’ |
SALVIA | microphylla ‘Wild Watermelon‘ |
SALVIA | microphylla x greggii ‘Heatwave Blast’ |
SALVIA | microphylla x greggii ‘Heatwave Blaze‘ |
SALVIA | microphylla x greggii ‘Heatwave Glitter’ |
SALVIA | miltiorrhiza |
SALVIA | miniata |
SALVIA | moorcroftiana x indica ‘Shangri-La’ |
SALVIA | namaensis |
SALVIA | nana ‘Curling Waves’ |
SALVIA | napifolia |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Amethyst‘ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘April Night‘ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Blauhügel‘ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Blaukönigin‘ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Blue Marvel’ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Caradonna’ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Dear Anja’ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Deep Blue Field’ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Mainacht‘ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Marcus’ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Negrito’ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘New Dimension Blue’ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘New Dimension Rose’ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Night Field’ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Ostfriesland‘ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Pink Beauty’ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Pink Friesland’ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Plumosa‘ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Rose Queen’ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Rügen‘ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Salute Ice Blue’ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Salute Light Pink’ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Schneehügel‘ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Schwellenburg‘ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Sensation Blue’ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Sensation Deep Blue’ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Sensation Deep Rose’ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Sensation Rose’ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Sensation Sky Blue’ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Sensation White’ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Tänzerin‘ |
SALVIA | nemorosa ‘Viola Klose‘ |
SALVIA | nipponica ‘Fuji Snow’ |
SALVIA | nutans |
SALVIA | officinalis |
SALVIA | officinalis ‘Albiflora’ |
SALVIA | officinalis ‘Berggarten‘ |
SALVIA | officinalis ‘Icterina‘ |
SALVIA | officinalis ‘Tricolor’ |
SALVIA | officinalis Purpurascens Group |
SALVIA | oppositiflora |
SALVIA | oxyphora |
SALVIA | pachyphylla |
SALVIA | pallida |
SALVIA | patens ‘Cambridge Blue’ |
SALVIA | patens ‘Chilcombe’ |
SALVIA | patens ‘Dot’s Delight’ |
SALVIA | patens ‘Guanajuato‘ |
SALVIA | patens ‘Oxford Blue’ |
SALVIA | patens ‘Pink Ice’ |
SALVIA | patens ‘White Trophy‘ |
SALVIA | polystachya |
SALVIA | pratensis ‘Rhapsody in Blue’ |
SALVIA | pratensis ‘Rose Rhapsody‘ |
SALVIA | pratensis ‘Sky Dance’ |
SALVIA | pratensis ‘Swan Lake’ |
SALVIA | pratensis ‘Sweet Esmeralda’ |
SALVIA | pratensis ‘Twilight Serenade’ |
SALVIA | przewalskii |
SALVIA | puberula ‘Hudalgo‘ |
SALVIA | puberula x karwinskii |
SALVIA | raymondii ssp. mairanae |
SALVIA | recognita |
SALVIA | regla ‘Jame’ |
SALVIA | reptans West Texas form |
SALVIA | ringens |
SALVIA | roemeriana ‘Arriba‘ |
SALVIA | roemeriana ‘Hot Trumpets’ |
SALVIA | rubescens |
SALVIA | rutilans |
SALVIA | scabra |
SALVIA | sclarea |
SALVIA | sclarea ‘Vatican White’ |
SALVIA | sclarea var. turkestanica |
SALVIA | scutellarioides |
SALVIA | semiatrata |
SALVIA | serboana |
SALVIA | rhinosina |
SALVIA | ringens |
SALVIA | somalensis |
SALVIA | species ‘Huanchinango‘ |
SALVIA | species from Catamarca |
SALVIA | species from Ventnor Botanical Garden |
SALVIA | splendens ‘Giant Form’ |
SALVIA | splendens ‘Gigantimo Purple’ |
SALVIA | splendens ‘Gigantimo Red’ |
SALVIA | splendens ‘Lighthouse Purple‘ |
SALVIA | splendens ‘Sao Borja’ |
SALVIA | splendens ‘Variegated Mauve’ |
SALVIA | stolonifera |
SALVIA | styphelus |
SALVIA | subrotunda |
SALVIA | taraxacifolia |
SALVIA | transsylvanica |
SALVIA | tuerckheimii |
SALVIA | uliginosa |
SALVIA | uliginosa ‘Ballon Azul‘ |
SALVIA | uliginosa ‘Chiel’ |
SALVIA | urica ‘Compacta‘ |
SALVIA | verticillata |
SALVIA | verticillata ‘Alba’ |
SALVIA | verticillata ‘Endless Love’ |
SALVIA | verticillata ‘Hannay’s Blue’ |
SALVIA | verticillata ‘Purple Rain‘ |
SALVIA | verticillata ‘Smouldering Torches’ |
SALVIA | virgata |
SALVIA | vitifolia |
SALVIA | wagneriana x involucrata |
SALVIA | x jamensis ‘California Sunset‘ |
SALVIA | x jamensis ‘Desert Blaze‘ |
SALVIA | x jamensis ‘Flammenn‘ |
SALVIA | x jamensis ‘Hot Lips’ |
SALVIA | x jamensis ‘Ignition Purple’ |
SALVIA | x jamensis ‘Javier’ |
SALVIA | x jamensis ‘Maraschino’ |
SALVIA | x jamensis ‘Melen’ |
SALVIA | x jamensis ‘Nachtvlinder’ |
SALVIA | x jamensis ‘Peter Vidgeon‘ |
SALVIA | x jamensis ‘Pink Lips’ (= ‘Jeremy’) |
SALVIA | x jamensis ‘Pluenn‘ |
SALVIA | x jamensis ‘Senorita Leah’ |
SALVIA | x jamensis ‘Trenance‘ |
SALVIA | yunnanensis |